Category: Kurmanci import

  • What is the evidence for God’s existence?

    Or do we take it simply by ‘Faith’? Many ask whether God really exists and if God’s existence is detectable in a rational way. After all, no one has seen God. So maybe the idea of God is simply a psychology operating of our minds. Since God’s existence affects our understanding of ourselves, our future,…

  • Justice for Nations in a Globalized World: How does the Bible foresee it?

    With the advent of air travel followed by the internet with social media it seems that the world has shrunk. Now we can be in instant communication with anyone on the planet. We can travel to anywhere on the globe in 24 hours. Translation apps with Google and Bing have enabled people to communicate in…

  • What about Evolution? Did we Evolve or were we Created?

    I was an avid science reader while in school.  I read about stars and atoms – and most things in-between.  The books that I read and what I learned in school taught me that scientific knowledge had established evolution as a fact.  Evolution proposes that all life today descended over long ages from a common…

  • Why would a Loving God allow Suffering, Pain and Death?

    Of the various reasons put forward denying the existence of an all-powerful and loving Creator this often tops the list.  The logic seems pretty straightforward.  If God is all-powerful and loving then He can control the world and would control it for our well-being. But the world is so full of suffering, pain and death…

  • What does the Bible teach about Environmental Stewardship?

    What does the Bible say about the environment and our responsibility to it?  Many think that the Bible only deals with ethical morals (i.e., do not lie, cheat or steal). Or perhaps it only concerns an after-life in heaven.  But the relationship between mankind, the earth, and life on it, along with our responsibilities are…

  • The Noah Controversy: Could that Flood have happened?

    When the movie “Noah” came out in 2014 there was a lot of hype and controversy.  Critics questioned the plotline for not following the Biblical account. In the Islamic world several countries banned the movie since it visually depicted a prophet, strictly forbidden in Islam.  But these issues are minor when compared to a much…

  • What’s the Gospel? Considered through COVID, Quarantine and Vaccine

    The novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, emerged in China towards the end of 2019.  Just a few months later it had raged around the world, infecting and killing millions while spreading to every country. The lightning fast spread of COVID-19 created panic around the world.  People were unsure what to do in light of this pandemic. …

  • Apparel: Why More than just Clothing?

    Why do you clothe yourself?  Not with just anything that fits, but you want fashionable clothing that states who you are.  What causes you to instinctively need to wear clothing, not just to stay warm but also to express yourself visually? Isn’t it odd that you find the same instinct across the planet, no matter…

  • Races and Languages: From Where? Answering Racism

    People often mentally categorize others by race. Physical features, like skin color, that distinguish one group of people, a ‘race’, from another, are easy to notice. So Caucasians are ‘white’, while those of Asian and African decent are darker. These traits distinguishing groups of people from each other easily leads to racism. This is the…

  • The Resurrection of Jesus: Fact or Fiction?

    In our modern, educated day, we sometimes wonder if traditional beliefs, especially ones about the Bible, are only out-dated superstitions.  The Bible recounts many incredible miracles. But probably the Good Friday and First-Fruits story of Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead after his crucifixion seems the most unbelievable.  Is there any logical evidence to take…